College Library
N.E.S. Science College Library, Nanded
( For Website from April 2015 onwards )
A little library, growing larger every year, is an honorable part of a man’s history.
It is man’s duty to have books.
A library is not a luxury, but one of the necessaries of life.
BY -Henry Ward Beecher.
We are very much happy to announce here, SCN library is really works like pulsing heart of the academic activities. It helps in promotion of higher education and research and gives proactive support in teaching and learning. The college has central library facility since the establishment of the college in 1950. Later on in the year 1963 the Science faculty was bifurcated and Arts and Commerce faculties shifted in the new building, Peoples College Nanded and thus the libraries of Science College and Peoples College started functioning separately. Over the span of 65 years Science college library has enriched with good collection of Books, Back Volumes, Periodicals and now recently with online and offline databases. Books collection includes Text, References, and Subject books mostly in basic sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematical, Biology, Botany, Zoology and Geology. Library also possesses books of Applied Sciences, Languages, Competitive examinations, Biographies, and books of general nature for overall development of students. Further in the year --------- Senior College and Junior college libraries have been housed in separate building. Senior college library is the main library of the college located in old building and Reading Room with Junior college library has been functioning in separate building.
- Enrich user’s knowledge and serve them with smile.
- To build up needed and relevant collection resources.
- To perform Information Literacy work in formal way.
- To promote users to make optimum use of resources.
- To preserve and house the collection for future.
- Library Collection :
Sr. No. |
Type |
Added till Date |
In use |
1 |
Books-Senior College Library |
33049 |
26000 |
2 |
Books- Junior College Library |
19535 |
6000 |
3 |
Back Volumes |
2475 |
2475 |
4 |
Periodicals |
94 |
94 |
5 |
CDs / DVs ( Off-Line Database) |
300 |
300 |
6 |
Databases (Online Database )
77000+ |
Lib organization :- Library is organized in following sections for better and smooth functioning .
i - Information / Students Help Corner/ Property Counter |
Classification & Cataloguing: Library uses DDC system for classification and AACR –II for Cataloguing. Class Numbers are updated as per the need especially for new growing branches in the subject.
Automation Status: Computerization of library was started in the year 2003-04 and completed in 2006. Library uses SOUL software 2.0.11version. Bar-coding work of all books has been completed before re-accreditation of NAAC.
Services: -
Our library provides services such as - Information Literacy / Web Online Public Access Catalogue ( OPAC ) Facility / Current Awareness Services (CAS)/ Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) / Reference Services / Book Bank Scheme Facility / Photocopying services / Reading Room Services / Back Volume Section services / News Paper Clipping / Home Lending Services / Night Reading Room Library services / Services to Departmental Library / Services to Career Guidance and Remedial Cells Library / Services to Genius Batch / Services to B. Lib & M. Lib. Sc. Students / Services to outsider visitors etc.
Best Practices: In order to inculcate reading habits especially among student’s, to maximize the use of library contents, help them to develop their overall personality and strengthen the healthy relations between library staff and students, we have introduced few Best Practices in our library.
Sitting capacity of Reading Rooms : College has big specious and well equipped reading room facility.
SN |
1 |
Students Section |
60 |
2 |
Teachers Section |
10 |
3 |
Back Vols section |
08 |
4 |
Ancillary Reading Room |
42 |
5 |
CGC & Remedial |
30 |
Total |
150 |
Library Access to Users: We followed partly Close Access and partly Open Access Systems for UG and PG students. Students are allowed to visit books racks and browse books on their own on all days of the week during afternoon hours.
Membership: All students who take admissions are eligible to enroll their membership for library facility. Students are required to submit their Admission Receipt and College I-Card and one passport size Photo in the library.
For new appointed Faculty, Staff and Visiting Faculty have to submit their application through the HOD and then the Principal along with the photocopy of the Appointment Order and one Pass port size Photo to use of library facility.
Working Hours:
S.N. |
1 |
Central Library |
10 .00am - 5.30 pm |
2 |
Reading Room |
7. 30 am - 5.30pm |
3 |
Night Reading Library |
7. 30 am - 10.30 pm |
Library staff :
Sr. No |
Name |
Designation |
E-mail ID |
1 |
S. L Jahdav |
Librarian |
2 |
Shri. S. R. Pande |
Lib. Clerk |
3 |
Shri. S. K. Majge |
Lib. Asst. |
5 |
Smt. Parvatibai Mane |
Lib. Atten. |
6 |
Shri. R. K. Dahiwal |
Lib. Atten. |
7 |
Shri. G. B. Sawane |
Supportive Staff |
Library Rules:
1. Library issues students one BT Card and other Membership Card.
2. Student/s has to show his/her BT Card whenever they wish to borrow books
for home reading or to read in the Reading Room.
3. The use of BT Card has to be made by the individual student only and it is
not transferable.
4. Once the book/s are issued, member is fully responsible for any damage or loss
of books.
5. Member should not underline or highlight the words or sentences with pen or
6. The books can be renewed one more time, if it is not required by any other reader
and that is also with the permission of library staff working at the counter.
7. Late fine of Rs. 1/- per day per book will be charged if the member failed to return
books within given period.
8. Library has full right to cancel the membership in case of any guilty act or misuse
of library facility is made by the member.
9. Books borrowed from Reading Room Counter should be return on the same day.
10. Students should observe strictly silence in the Reading Room, Corridor, and
Books Issue /Return Counter.
Activities: Exhibition of books on birth anniversaries of great leaders, Involvement of library staff in NSS activities and Republic Day celebration and Blood Donation Camps.
Every year we collect feedback from students to know our strength and weak points.
From last three years we are giving User IDs and Passwords to all UG and PG students besides research scholars and faculty and guiding them to promote the use of e-resources.
To cater the needs of a large number of researchers specially Ph.D. Scholars separate periodical section has been developed and housed with latest copies of research journals and 2435 Back Volumes of basic and applied sciences. Rare and old collection of back volumes includes Botanical Review (1935-1952; 1964-1977) , Mycology (1666-1976 ), Journal of Indian Botanical Society (1953 -1979 ), Scientific American (1964 – to date), Zoological Society of India (1960), Journal of Scientific and Industrial research (1953 – to date), Journal of Indian Mathematical Society(1960 -1967), Annals of Applied Biology (1656-1967), Current Science ( 1958 to date) Indian Academy of sciences (1953 1957 &1971-1980).
From Principal's Desk
A hearty welcome to Science College Nanded. It's an exciting experience to be a student of this college

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