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- Dr.L.P. Shinde Research Paper
- Dr. A. T. Shinde
Research Paper - Dr. A. T. Shinde
Executive Summary of Minor Research Project - Dr.L.P. Shinde
Executive Summary of Minor Research Project - Dr. D. R. Munde
Executive Summary of Minor Research Project
Department of Chemistry,Agro-chemical and fertilizers, and Analytical chemistry
The Chemistry Department was established in the year 1956.
Academic Developments Over the years, department of chemistry has shown consistent academic growth. B. Sc. Chemistry was started with the establishment of science faculty. Later on under the restructuring of courses, department received the special grants of Rs. 5 Lacs from University Grants Commission, New Delhi, for starting the applied restructured course of Agrochemical and Fertilizers 1980. This course was introduced as per the educational requirements of the region which was mainly based on Agriculture. |
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Further addition of Analytical Chemistry subject at B. Sc. level was with the view to get Analytical Chemists for industrial employment.
In the year 1996 long felt need of post graduation in Chemistry was fulfilled with the introduction of M. Sc. in Analytical Chemistry. The highly experienced faculty and research credentials of the department were conducive to the quality PG education. Another post graduation in M.Sc. Organic Chemistry was introduced in the year.
Faculty :
The department has 8 well equipped laboratories for UG and PG classes and 1 research laboratory. The department also has well maintained store room, preparation room and Balance room. The department has all essential laboratory equipments required for UG and PG courses. The notable specialized equipments like UV spectrophotometer, spectronic-20, Flame photometer, digital balances, Muffle furnace, Thermostats, Colorimeters, digital polarimeter, Microwave oven etc. are available in the department for training learners and researchers. Almost all laboratories have LPG gas connections. A well furnished multimedia lecture hall with plasma TV has been added to departmental infrastructure for improvement in educational delivery systems.
Research and Linkages:
The faculty of department is actively involved in research. The major thrust areas of research are
- Synthesis of Hetero cyclic compounds.
- Environmental chemistry and inter disciplinary work.
- Synthesis of new Lanthanide chelates and their effect on, Corrosion and biological activities.
- Studies of Agrochemical and their influences on plants growth.
- Study of bio-inorganic compounds.
The department has recognized research laboratory for Ph. D. work. Department has established linkages with various institutions like National Chemical Laboratories, Pune, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, Department of chemistry Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, School of Chemical and Biological Sciences Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, and Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani.
Seminars and conferences organized in the Department.
The department organizes workshops, seminars, conferences and other deliberations of inter disciplinary importance. The department has organized following :
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Marathwada University, Nanded have participated in this workshop.Large number of instruments were repaired. The various officials of WRIC like Director Dr. Katkar, joint director Dr. Ghodegaonkar, Dr. Tiwari, Dr. Jain, Dr. Nageshwarrao delivered lecturers and practically demonstrated the repairing of instruments. Dr. A. M. Khan, Head, Department of Chemistry, was convenor of this workshop.
National seminar on “Current environmental problems of developing cities,townships and rural areas” held on 27th and 28th January 2002 at science College, Nanded.
Workshop on “Scope of Syllabus of B.Sc. IInd year of Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Agro Chemicals & Fertilizers and M.Sc. IInd part of Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry” was organized by P.G. Department of Chemistry, Science College Nanded on 30-08-2003. This workshop was sponsored by Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.
The National Conference on “Recent advancement in studies of metal complexes” was arranged on 15 and 16 march 2008. Dr. M. N. Deshpande worked as Convener and Dr. P. P. Sharma and Dr. N. M. Sontakke were associated as Organizing Secretary, Dr. M. V. Deshmukh, Dr. S. R. Pingalkar, Dr. A. S. Bansode, Dr. D. R. Munde, Dr.L. P. Shinde, Shri. A. T. Shinde, Shri. A. R. Unchadkar, Shri. D. G. Kolhatkar, Mrs. U. R. Rajewar worked as member of Local organizing committee. Most of the P. G. Students participated in the National Conference. The Conference was highly appreciated by Delegates. Resource Person, Scientist, Academic staff etc. This Conference was inaugurated by Dr. P. S. Kalsi, Dr. Vankateshji Kabde was chairman of inaugural function. For Valedictory function, Dr. Kashiram V. C. Telangana Univeristy Nizamabad was present as chief guest and Dr. G. D. Bagde, Dean, faculty of Science SRTMU Nanded as chief guest Shri Sadashivraoji Patil, Secretary N.E.S. was present as chairman for valedictory function.
Workshop on “Scope of Syllabus of B.Sc.IIIrd year of Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Agro Chemicals & Fertilizers and M.Sc. IInd part of Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry” was organized by P.G. Department of Chemistry, Science College Nanded on 22-09-2009 This workshop was sponsored by Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.
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