With the changing scenario of higher education in India, our institution has thought over the future strategy for next 10 years. The institution has developed a blue print for new phase of academic developments. The salient features of plan are:
- Establishment of the state-of-the-art media facility for the development of educational multimedia productions for science education.
- Developing a centralized instrumentation laboratory with latest equipment, which can cater to the needs of regional educational institutes, research and industries.
- Establishment of career academy with special emphasis on personality development, keeping in mind, global trends in inter-personal communications and skills relevant for entrepreneurship development. This academy will also under take coaching to offer in-depth knowledge to learners with regard to various competitive examinations
- The institution aims to enter the memorandum of understanding with various institutes of national and international repute to evolve innovative packages of teaching-learning which would enable the learners of this region to adopt world class educational facilities.
- Considering the significance of health and fitness for human life, the institute aims to build a stadium, sports complex with running tracks and well equipped gymnasium.
- Establishment of Biotechnology park with special emphasis on development of medicinal plants and high yielding crop varieties suited to this region. Horticultural crops and export oriented floriculture, which is a sunrise sector, would be an integral part of this biotech park to offer cutting age technology to farmers and learners of this region.
- Computerization of library, office and departmental work is in progress, however, the next planned activity is the networking of all the department by wireless connectivity. This networking will enable the institute to harness the power of world wide web and internet for exploiting a huge knowledge database for updating faculty, students and applications in research and developments. The scientific know-how generated at this institute would be accessible through its Web-Site.
- Institution plans to start the advanced study programs with contemporary significance and applications in science and technological fields. The programs would be on following lines.
- Institution is committed to provide staff quarters to principal, teaching and nonteaching members.
- Constructions of Girls hostel in the campus.
The college proposes to start add-on courses and short term one year certificate courses to enhance the job opportunities for learners. The proposal for add-on course Bio-informatics has already been sent for approval to the Government of Maharashtra.