
Department is actively involved in innovative teaching-learning methods. Modern sophisticated instruments like LCD and plasma T.V. are used for power point presentation. These methods are highly useful to understand the subject thoroughly. P.G.student also use power point presentation for their seminars and presenting the project work. The department also arranges study tours for the students to Industries ,Laboratories, National research institutes, Agri-cultural Universities etc. The department provides consultancy services to chemical industries, farmers and citizens of Nanded and near by areas.

The department arranges Dr.D.S.Deshpande lecture series every year. Dr.D.S.Deshpande felicitation committee had raised fund and on the interest of the same this lecture series is organized.

Depatment also organized the guest lectures of emeritus professors, scientists, faculty members of other universities for P.G. students. Some faculty take interest in giving the lectures on social problems and involved in various extension activities.

 Department provide different facilities for students like, departmental library, well equipped laboratory. Department have research lab along with instruments like FT-IR, Flame photometer, U.V. Spectrophotometer.